Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Alternating colors in MySQL tabel with PHP

This code changes the color of alternating rows of a database output. There is a difference in results if used with Firefox as opposed to IE. In the former, no white grid will be visible while in the latter, a white grid will be visible as shown below


$dbhost = 'localhost'; // choose as needed 
$dbuser = 'xxx';  // choose as needed 
$dbpass = 'yyyy';  // choose as needed 
$dbname = 'DVD';  // choose as needed 
$tablename = 'DVD';  //choose as needed

//Connect to server and select database
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("No connection");
//mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("No Connection");

//Do the SQL
$query=("SELECT * FROM $tablename  ORDER BY Titel ASC ")  or die (mysql_error());

//variables for the table

// for greyish table

// uncomment and use for colorfull table 
// $akleur1="#C6FF00";
// $akleur2="#FFC600";


//Table heading and loop
echo"<table border='0'><tbody>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))

    echo "<tr bgcolor=$kleur><td>$count</td><td>{$row['Titel']}</td>" .
         "<td><em>{$row['Acteur']}</em></td>" .
         "<td>{$row['Jaar']}</td>" .
         "<td>{$row['Summary']}</td>" .
         "<td><a href='{$row['IMDB']}'>imdb</a><td></tr>";


else {
echo "</tbody></table>";

// Close database
echo mysql_error();

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